HSC major works: 3 tips for getting them done

Lauren Condon

Marketing Specialist at Atomi


min read

Did it ever seem like a good idea to pick a subject with a major work?

Well, it doesn’t matter because it’s too late now! We’re well into the swing of year 12 and it’s getting harder to ignore the due dates for those giant major works. But it’s also hard to ignore the billion other things we need to do for the HSC like class, homework, assessments and exam study.

We always know it’s going to be hard to juggle major work (or maybe even major works, if you were insane enough to pick more than one). The good news is, Term 2 is a great time to make some serious progress on your major work because beyond next holidays, you’ll be staring down trials and things will get even more hectic.

So, to make the most of this time, here are the three biggest tips for getting. them. done.

Lock in your idea and make sure it’s 100% solid

How many of us have had such a great idea that we kind of just push it aside, confident that when the time comes we can smash out a banger of a major work?

… But when it gets to crunch time and you really sink your teeth into it, you realise that it’s actually not that great of an idea, you don’t have a super clear angle or there isn’t enough research available. Yeah, people have to drop subjects for those kind of mistakes.

Whatever your idea is for your major work, put it to the test right now. Make sure there is enough research, a clear angle for you to run with and you would actually be able to manage it. Here are some tips to make sure your topic is solid:

  • Be realistic about what you can actually get done

We’d all love to build one of those cool miniature homes for a DT major work but the $$$ and time involved in that kind of project just won’t happen this year. Pick something you know you can definitely do a great job of before the due date.

  • Love the idea

You’re going to be spending a lot of time on this work so it’s got to be something you’re interested in! If you choose an Extension II English short story, it’s going to be a much better year if you love writing and are happy enough to spend hours drafting.

  • Play to your strengths

If you’ve never tried sculpture before, your Visual Arts major work probably isn’t the time to see if you’re any good at it. Stick with what you really understand and what you’re good at.

2. Set deadlines and a schedule

While you could probably do your major work in one night, we can guarantee it would be an absolute mess and do a serious number on your ATAR. Definitely do not recommend. 👎

Major works are even more complicated than regular assessments and they have different steps and stages. In most subjects - Drama, Visual Arts, Extension II English etc. - you have the work itself and some kind of reflection or explanation. That’s actually a good thing because you can create deadlines around those stages and keep yourself on track.

Pull apart the stages of your major work and then give each stage a really clear due date.

Don’t forget to:

  • Give yourself a realistic amount of time to finish each stage.
  • Remember that you probably can’t do your major work during exam periods so work around them!

A schedule will keep you on track and make sure your precious major work isn’t a last ditch effort.

3. Ask someone to keep you on track

This is a big one.

It’s going to sound pretty lame but it could end up being the difference between you finishing your major work in time and well, it just not happening.

Basically, you can't trust your stressed, overworked self.

You might think you’ll stick to your schedule but hey, all cards are off the table in year 12. Once you’ve set up your schedule for your major work progress, give that schedule to someone like a teacher, parent or sibling who can keep you on track.

Set up the ground rules in the beginning: they have to check it on every deadline and actually see you’ve finished the set work.

Even though you might hate yourself for doing this when you have someone breathing down your neck, you’ll be right back on that self-love train when you hand in your major work on time and absolutely smash it.


Major works can actually be seriously fun because they’re kind of like a passion project in amongst a stressful HSC year. But you’ve got to give yourself enough time to do all your crazy talent some justice so lock in a strategy that will keep you on track and get that gem in on time. Get cracking and good luck!


Published on

May 8, 2017

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